It is with the greatest of pleasure we welcome you to HL COGIC. As Pastor
and First Lady, we are glad that you decided to worship with us today. You can be
assured that the Lord has great things in store for you and your family within this
ministry. He desires to use you in building up the kingdom. Here we believe in
living Holy and Worshipping him in Spirit and in Truth. As Christ leads you to
take an active role in His church, be reminded of these three things, Be faithful, Be
present and Be kind.
We endeavor to meet the needs of the total person, spiritually through the
preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and naturally through the teaching of his
word. HL provides a heartwarming atmosphere for adults and children alike. In
addition to a spirit filled worship, we seek to come together for fun and fellowship.
You will find that we are a loving and caring family. We are many members yet
one body!
As a welcomed member of the family, you can feel free to dance, shout, clap
and participate in ministry. Our prayer is that you are blessed by each worship encounter and your life be forever changed.
Yours In Christ,
Pastor Derrick & Lady Sheena Hill